If you have just uploaded your range, and your images aren't showing or showing as broken, there are a few things you can check to get them to show.
I have loaded a test product to show what happens when it doesnt show properly. The Image file name is called: Penguin_88543.jpg
Your broken image might look like this...
or this.
Please check the following:
1. Upload the images to the correct Supplier
Make sure you uploaded the images using the Bulk Image Upload or Individual Image Upload buttons. Make sure you upload them successfully to the correct custom supplier name.
2. Make sure the image files are named correctly
Make sure the image files, are named EXACTLY how they are written in the datafile spreadsheet. The upload is case sensitive. See below for possible naming issues:
a) Check the Case of file extensions. If you Image file is named
Penguin_88543.JPG but is written in the datafile as
Penguin_88543.jpg it wont match.
b) Check the title case of the image name itself. If you Image file is named
PENGUIN_88543.jpg but is written in the datafile as
Penguin_88543.jpg it wont match.
c) Check Special Characters. If you Image file is named
Penguin-88543.jpg but is written in the datafile as
Penguin_88543.jpg it wont match.
d) Check the entire name. If you Image file is named
2390843_stress_item.jpg but is written in the datafile as
Penguin_88543.jpg it wont match.
e) Check the file extension type. If you Image file is named
Penguin_88543.png but is written in the datafile as
Penguin_88543.jpg it wont match.
3. Select the right Image Path
Make sure the right image path is selected for the supplier. All Custom Ranges need to have "Local Image Path" select.
Go to Edit/View/Remove Existing Suppliers
Find your supplier and click EDIT
Make sure "Local Image Path" is selected.
Click Submit.
4. Check the Image Size
The Images might be too large and didnt upload properly.
Images need to be resized to 400 x 400 pixels. Tutorial here on image resizing: Click here.
Try resizing them and uploading them again.
Once the images are sorted they will appear like this on the product pages:
If all else fails, please contact Gun Web Systems for further assistance.
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