How to Add a Custom Product
You can add a Custom Product a few ways, these include:
1. Click the Add Custom Product Button in the Admin Panel
2. Fill in the details of your Custom Product, giving it a Unique Code. When finished, click Save and Add to Quote.
3. If the product exists in the data base, you can copy the product information without having to enter it all again. Go to the product and click COPY AS CUSTOM PRODUCT. This is great for doing an indent quote on an existing item, or simply if you want to change an item image or description or create custom sub decorations.
All you need to do once its copied, is give it a unique code for it to be saved in your custom product list.
4. If you want to add a Custom Product you have already saved, you can find it here:
5. From here you can search for existing custom products, add them to the quote, edit existing ones or copy existing ones to convert them into new custom products.
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