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Operator Setup – For security control and maintenance purposes, you will want EVERY person that has cause to use Xetex Xebra to have their own Operator Code. Since your Xetex Xebra Advantage subscription is based on concurrent users; that is, the total number of users logged in at any given time; you may setup as many operators as you would like. The system records every action by every operator. Operators can only be held accountable for their own actions if unique logins are adhered to by each person. In addition, access rights are given to areas of the system based on operator login. If you need to restrict access, keep logins on an individual basis. |
NOTE: You will want to immediately set yourself up with a system administrator code. Once you have done this, exit from the Xebra and re-enter using your new personal access code. You may then delete the initial SA code to ensure limited access to system administrator capabilities.
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Commands > New or CTRL+E or New Operator Icon in the task bar. |
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New Code (2 characters / alphanumeric) – Each operator must have their own unique Operator Code. Suggested creation methods include; operator’s initials or employee number. Click ENTER. |
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You will now see a new Operator Setup screen. Several of the data fields will be highlighted indicating a need for attention. |
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Name (20 characters / alphanumeric) – The operators full name. |
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Password (10 characters / alphanumeric) – While the password will initially be created by the System Administrator (SA), individual operators are able to change their own passwords at anytime. Because of this, it is suggested that the SA provide a simple general password and encourage all operators to change this to something more personal and private when first entering the Xebra. |
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Sales Rep – Each operator may be associated with a sales rep. If there is an association, the following restrictions are applied for that operator: |
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The operator will only be permitted to view job information for the Sales Rep either through order entry or job inquiry. |
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The main Order Entry screen is accessible for all jobs but the line items and financial review dialogs on jobs assigned to other Sales Reps are not available. |
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Only reports that allow filtering by sales rep are accessible, and the selection of the sales rep will default to the rep associated with this operator. |
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The operator will be blocked from the Date Export feature in the Utilities node. |
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Additional Security Settings: |
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Limit Access to Data - the Operator will be blocked from viewing/accessing all Jobs, Customer Records, Prospecting Records, and Inquiries that are assigned to another Sales Rep. |
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Allow Customer Creation - allows the Operator to create new Customer Records, which will default to their own sales rep code. |
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Starting Node (limited drop down) - Determines which node button will be defaulted when the Login Complete window first appears. |
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After the initial highlighted data fields are addressed, you may then continue to set further preferences and restrictions on the individual operator. Remember: Any changes made to Operator Preferences or Security Options will affect this operator ONLY. |
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Operator Type - Determines security privileges for the operator. There are three Operator Types: |
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Order Entry – Disables all critical menus in the setup node, blocks the operator from the accounting node, and blocks the operator from the GL Cross Reference control file. Further restrictions can be placed on Order Entry Operators using the Security Options (see below). Since Order Entry Operators are already blocked from accounting functions, the Security Options related to accounting do not apply and are disabled if the order entry type is selected. |
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Accounting – Disables all critical menus in the setup node. Further restrictions can be placed on accounting operators using the Security Options (see below). |
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System Administrator – The System Administrator has unlimited access by default. The Security Options DO NOT apply to the System Administrator and are disabled if the System Administrator type is selected. |
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Outside Shipper - Used in conjunction with third-party shipping software (i.e. UPS WorldShip). Limits access to relevant transmission of shipping data only. An operator of this type will not have direct access to any area of Xebra. |
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Operator Preferences – These will initially match the New Operator defaults set in System Environment. While these defaults should apply to most new operators, there may be need to adjust them depending on the individual operator’s position or responsibilities. Again, it is important that each individual has their own unique operator code or the operator preferences become invalid. |
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Job Delete OK – When checked, the operator will have the ability to delete any job at any time for any reason. It is NOT recommended that anyone have this feature turned on all the time. It should be used on a case-by-case basis and should be turned off when you are finished. |
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Prevent Update After Invoice – Limits the ability to alter a job once an invoice for the customer has been created. |
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Receive Vendor Invoice After Customer Invoice – Allows the operator receive a vendor’s invoice on a job even after an invoice has been created for the customer. |
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Prevent update after In Inventory - Limits the ability to alter a job once a status has been set to In Inventory. |
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No Specs On Exact Repeat PO – Omits specification masks when using Repeat Job feature in Order Entry. |
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Specs On Quote – When checked, specification masks will be included on Quotes to Customer. |
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Specs On Acknowledgement – When checked, specification masks will be included on Customer Acknowledgements. |
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Suppress Update Item Specifications Message – When adding or editing the specification mask on a job related item, this option will suppress the system message asking the operator if the updated information should be used on all future issuances of the product, essentially saving the changes to the main item record. By selecting this option, the query message will not be presented and the default specifications on the main item record will remain in their original form. |
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Receive XML Messages – ONLY used in conjunction with EPSA under System Wide Settings. |
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Suppress Minimum Stock Alert Messages – When operator has been linked to one or more customer records, this option will disable alert messages they receive when a customer’s stock drops below a pre-stated acceptable level. |
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Prevent Order Date Update – When using Default Order Date to Current Date in System Wide Settings, checking this option will not allow the operator to change this date under any circumstances. If you have chosen to not use the Default Order Date to Current Date option you will NOT want this checked. |
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Prevent Rejected Status After Vendor Invoice - When checked, it will prevent the operator from changing the job status to Rejected if there is an open Accounts Payable record associated with the job. |
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Credit Card Security – These features refer to credit card processing features solely within Xetex Xebra. If you are using an unsupported credit card merchant for your processing needs, this section will be disabled. See also PowerPay, SecureNet, PayPal, or Authorize.Net Setup under Options. |
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Allow Authorize – This setting allows the operator to authorize credit card transactions through either Order Entry or Accounting. Note: Since Order Entry Operator types do not have access to Accounting, they will be limited to authorizing transactions individually through Order Entry. |
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Allow Card Storage – If checked, the operator is able to store credit card information, encrypted, in the Xebra database for future processing. |
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Allow Settle – Before money is actually transferred to your bank account, authorized transactions MUST be settled. This option allows the operator to settle transactions. Note: As Order Entry Operator types do not have access to Accounting, this option will be unavailable for them. |
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Allow View History – This setting allows the operator to list, export and/or print credit card history. Note: Again, as they are restricted from accounting access, Order Entry Operator types will not have this option available. |
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Security Options – These security options are meant to limit access to sensitive areas of the Xebra. There are system embedded defaults to these options depending on the Operator Type chosen and, while some defaults can be changed, there are strictly enforced settings that cannot be altered. |
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Disable Special Commission Update – If checked, operator is prohibited from changing special commission options on jobs such as Sales Rep or commission rate. |
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Block From Base System Reports – Disables access to Reports module. |
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Block From CS Inventory – Disables access to Customer Specific Inventory module. |
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Block From Utilities – Disables access to Utilities module. This module includes main Specifications Mask setup, Mail Merge, Data Export, Data Import, Reorder Notices and Queue Printer. |
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Disable Operator Preferences - If checked, the operator will still be able to view their operator preferences on the main Setup screen but will be unable to alter the settings. However, this does not affect the Email Settings. All operators will have access to this, because unlike the other settings, these are directly related to the computer, not the operator. For trusted operators, leaving this option unchecked changes the operator preferences from being restrictions to being reminders when they are about to do something that may have severe ramifications. Job Delete OK and Prevent Update After Invoice can be set so that the operator has to change their preferences after they have considered those ramifications. |
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Block From Checkbook – Disables access to the Banking menu in Accounting. |
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Disable Ledger Menu In Accounting – Blocks the operator from both the Chart of Accounts and General Ledger. |
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Disable GL Last Month Closed – Prevents operators from changing the last-month-closed date back and making changes in a month that has already been locked into the GL. |
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Block From Accounting Reports – Disables access to the Reports menu in Accounting. |
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Block From Payables - Disables access to AP Entry and AP Disbursements, which are found in the Payables menu in Accounting. |
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Restrict Control Files – Blocks access to the Control Files located under the View menu in Order Entry. |
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Block From E-Commerce – Disables access to the E-Commerce module. |
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Block ODBC – The Xetex Xebra installation includes an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) driver. This driver is used in transferring data to other ODBC compliant software platforms used to manage and organize your data in a custom fashion. The Xetex Xebra ODBC driver requires the operator to provide their code and password to perform ODBC functions. If checked, this option will disable access to this sensitive feature. |
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Block Line Item After Vendor Invoice Received – If checked, operator will be able to view any line items on a job but will NOT be able to adjust any of the "Buy From" or vendor-related details on line items for which the vendor invoice has already been received. |
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Block Vendor Information – Disables access to Vendor Ordering, Vendor Remittance, and Vendor Inquiry records. |
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Disable All Database Updates – If checked, the operator is restricted to ONLY viewing the areas of the system they have access to. They cannot create new data or make changes to existing data in any fashion. |
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Block CSI only confirm release option – Disables the operator's ability to confirm a CSI release without addressing billing concerns. |
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Block Collections - Disables access to all Collections functions in Accounting. |
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Block Collections History Edit/Delete - Disables access only to Collections History in Accounting. |
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Block Invoicing - Disables invoicing functions in Order Entry. |
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Allow Editing of Job Notes - Allows the operator to edit the Job Notes on a job. |
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Allow Editing of Prospect History - Allows the operator to edit the Prospect History notes in Prospecting. |
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Allow Editing of Document Configurations - Allows the operator to edit the document configurations found in Setup > Printing > Document Setup. |
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Prevent Deletion of File Attachments - Prevents the operator from deleting file attachments throughout the entire system (ex. jobs, line items, customer records, etc.). |
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Prevent Deletion of Job Documents - Prevents the operator from deleting Job Documents from Order Entry > View > Job Documents. |
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Prevent AP Update - Prevents the operator from updating an existing AP record. |
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Allow CSI Unconfirm Release - Allows the operator to unconfirm a release in Customer Specific Inventory. |
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